About 18 months ago I wrote about the Dunn Patent / Process or otherwise known as Dunn Wire-cut Lug Brick.

“Mr. Frank B. Dunn, of Conneaut, Ohio, who is visiting his brother-in-law, Wilbur E. Wilson, and family has invented a simple method of making a lug on a wire-cut brick, that promises to revolutionize the paving brick industry in this country. One of Mr. Dunn’s machines has been recently installed in the Corry Brick & Tile Co.’s plant in this city, and works to perfection. For the information of those not familiar with the subject, it may be stated that for street paving it is desirable to leave a little space between the bricks in order that the filler may form a bond. This is accomplished by means of a couple of lugs or ribs on the side of the brick. Heretofore, in order to put a lug on the bricks it has been necessary to repress them, adding to the cost of production and not improving the quality, only in appearance. Mr. Dunn’s invention, by a simple device, cuts the lugs on the brick in the first place, doing away with repressing.”—Corry, Pa., Journal Circa 1909

I recently found two very good (and much better) examples of a Hocking Block and Brick using this process. For the background on the Dunn process and it’s patent, read below.

Read this link -> Dunn Patent. If you google “Dunn Wire Cut Lug Brick Hocking” you will pull up all kinds of information on Google books from trade magazines from the early 1900s.

Shown below are the two new examples I have.


Notice a couple interesting features on both examples.

First we have the round indentations that are about the size of 1/2 of a nickel


And we have the square shaped lugs of the sides of the brick and the front of the brick integrated with the trade stamp and round indentations.



And below I have a shot which shows the distinctive features of this brick.
